I am perfect, just like everyone is…i.e. none of us are.

So this is a blog about getting out my opinions and ideas, and part of that is sharing who I am. So I have been a smoker for many years now. I picked it up in high school, as a way to unwind from a lot of different things happening at that time in my life. I never really perceived it as a “disgusting” habit, my main attitude was “fuck you”, to anyone who thought it was, and still kind of is. Anyway once I got to college there was a serious smoking ban, and it became a lot harder to just enjoy a cigarette. So I gradually quit, and didn’t touch a cigarette for 4 years or so. However upon getting out of the college life scene and being more on my own I picked it back up again, but it just didn’t have the same sort of de-stressing factor it did in previous years. That’s when I realized that I didn’t need the cigarette to help me calm down anymore, I had grown up enough and figured out new ways to help myself in that area. However now it was my choice and decision to continue smoking. I knew that I needed something different, I didn’t like the smell, especially how lingering it was, and how I hated being outside to smoke. That is when I stumbled upon these things. I love the Blu cigarette. It’s vapor, so I can smoke it indoors, and there is virtually no smell. I’m a fan. Some people can choose to see my “habit” as gross or disgusting, but the way I see it, everything in moderation, and guess what, everyone has something people, so let me be, and let yourselves be.


(I’m painting today, so you can see some of my supplies in the photo as well. Also my pajamas all visible. It’s a snow day in Denver, no judgement.)Image