You were worth it.

You were worth it.

Forgot about this…like a lot of things. It’s easy to do that sometimes “let it go, “do you”, “shift your attention”. Well trust me, if there is one thing I’ve learned it’s that I’m good at not sticking around to … Continue reading

New School…Sort of.


So I if anyone has read my about me, which is a long shot. I have just moved back to Denver from Pine Ridge, SD. I was teaching on a reservation school up there which I loved, and I miss my students so much. However I had some personal and family issues arise, and I had to move back to the city. I received a new job very promptly, but my classes do not officially start till next week! So the other day got to see my new art room today. It’s so crazy to me that I’m now teaching high school art at the elementary school I attended! Remington Elementary School in Denver, CO is now a building used for overfill classes, which are mostly high school level. I forgot that Remington had these awesome wall murals all over the school. Growing up in the Northside of Denver, I maybe didn’t have the “best” education in the traditional sense but being able to learn in institutions that allowed me to celebrate and continue to learn about my two cultures was a unique and amazing opportunity. I am truly grateful that I get to continue that cycle and progress knowledge and expression for all.