Tutorial On Making Your Favorite Band/Artist T-Shirts into a Tank Crop Top!

I have a ton of old t shirts that I’m just too attached to give away, so this is just one of my favorite ways I like to cut my shirts!

Steps 1- 4 with extra pictures!


Step 1: Fold your shirt in half

Step 2: Cut the sleeves off to your preferences, I personally like to stay close to the seam and then bring it further down, so I can show my tattoos on my ribs

Step 3: Cut off the collar.  You can follow the seam line, or take a bit lower

Step 4: Cut from the bottom up on the crease where the shirt has been folded. Be carefu how far you go up! It’s all the difference between a crop top that hits where most of this stye fit or a belly shirt. Do you preference, but you can always bring it shorter but you can’t add length!


Step 5-6 with extra pictures!


Step 5: Keep the shirt folder, and figure out where you made the cut up to in the shirt and from the opposite side cut diagonally down the the shirts bottom corner.

Step 6: Unfold your shirt and then turn the shirt around, and fold the back portion of the cut shirt up to the top of the cut!

Steps 7-9 with extra pictures!


Step 7: Cut off the back portion of the shirt along the fold you made in step 6 as straight as you can

Step 8: Turn the t-shirt back around and puling the the two sides apart and then tie them in the front!

Step 9: FINAL STEP! Stretch the shirt by puling at the sleeves, collar, and back of the shirt. This will help make your shirt seem a little more tidy :]



Enjoy and let me know what you all think!

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