
Tonight I felt it again. The overwhelming sense of oneness with this world, and all the others beyond it. I sat and let it flow over me. I can still feel it overtaking every part of my body and mind. I feel it on my fingertips and entering my lungs with each breath I take. I feel the essence of the presence that lives within everything and everyone, not just of this world but to the stars and beyond. It’s all one. I don’t speak of religion, or the ways that man has sought to control the rest of the world, for that does not exist and changes with each generation. What I speak of is the real spirit. The free and never changing soul that is beyond the word “lives” for it has no beginning nor end. I felt it because I let myself, I let it in, and it gave me peace. For there is so much more than what the masses who inhabit this Earth choose to see and feel. They separate themselves from nature, although we belong to it, not the other way around. Some venture in to wilderness and marvel at its beauty, yet they do not give themselves over the vibrancy that surrounds those places. You simply cannot marvel, you can’t just see, you must feel every single spirit and sense that nature has for you. The warmth in me is from my simple ability to feel, and what I would give, to have all the world experience what I once called a curse. Maybe then they would understand that no one is ever alone.


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