Oz The Great and Powerful. A lot of spark, but No Magic.

So along with making my own films, it is a little hobby of mine to review films from time to time. I grew up with movies. Not in the typical Disney way most kids do, but the classics. Some of my earliest memories are from watching movies like The Bells of Saint Mary, Gone With The Wind, and the On The Waterfront. My first memory EVER however is from The Wizard of Oz. That is the first film, I can remember and remains to do this day, my favorite of all time. The Wizard of Oz, was a cinematic masterpiece visually for it’s time, and today is able to capture the minds of all those who view it. I remember being a little girl, and literally feeling magic, not from the magical land of Oz , but true and utter emotion of being brought into this world, while still in mine. To this day I sometimes still get that feeling of “magic” when I watch other films, and it reminds me why I love cinema so much, both on a production level but also as a viewer. That magic for me started with and remains with The Wizard of Oz.

Getting back to the review, after explaining a little of my childhood, you must know how excited I was to see Oz The Great and Powerful. Yes, I skeptical about it being a Disney movie, but I was very excited to see such talent like James Franco, Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams, and Rachel Weisz attached to it! Getting to the theater I felt a little kid again, and very anxiously awaited the room to go black.

The movie started out really great I felt, the black and white was perfect, and a great homage to the first film, and once the transition of black and white to color was done I was very content with the editing process and seamless style. However once in color, I was a little overwhelmed. The digital world was to be honest a little much. Nothing can replace the real thing. Although the original Oz was full of painted backgrounds, the main sets were all built by hand, something that was not used nearly in this newer movie. Anytime there was an overwhelming digital green screen shot, like the forest full of huge flowers, or the bubble scene, I wasn’t drawn into the world, but the opposite, I felt removed, and reminded that I was watching a movie. On built sets however I was able to get glimpses of what Oz in this newer film was really like, and was able to get sparks of that good ol’ magic feeling.

The acting was great, with a particular nod to the wicked witches, but again nothing that truly moved me. Honestly I feel like the best performance in the entire film was Zach Braff’s ANIMATED flying monkey Finley. Finley brought real humor, delight, and magic into this movie, although it was an animated creature. In fact I almost teared up a little at the end when Oz finally gives Finley his friendship, and the adorable yet emotional look he gives back to Oz as he lifts the over sized top hat from his face. It’s always really amazing what can be achieved digitally these days in cinema, but I think it should be done sparingly and not overwhelmingly. Case and point Finely the Flying Monkey: perfect,  The green screen land of Oz: too much.

So I don’t like movie reviews that are too long, so my closing remarks are that although Oz the Great and Powerful attempts to revive a childhood for many, it has its moments, but this is an entertainment movie, not one attempting to bring back any magic.

A little disappointed,


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